Monday, September 05, 2005

Week Ending - 3rd Sept'05
Now that every one has gone crazy for Google Earth here's another download you can go crazy over. This time it's from the people at NASA and is called World Wind. It is a hefty download I'm afraid, but worth every one of its 184 megabytes.
Once you've installed it you will still need a broadband connection to use it because, like Google Earth, it takes data from the main server as and when you need it to display the landscape.
From visual imagery to optical illusions now, with Micheal Bach's extensive collection of optical illusions.

The layout here is uninspired but does the job just fine. You can either click a particular illusion on the right, or just dive straight in with the whole tour, which can be found at the top of that list.

Each illusion page contains a detailed description of what you should be seeing and the science behind the phenomenon. The text looks pretty daunting but is well worth a read as I found it fascinating. In most cases there are additional controls to help explain the science, the usage of these is also explained to the left.
It's time to settle all those age-old disputes between friends and colleagues with another great little GoogleHack at Google Fight.


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